“Sounding Map” St. Georgen-Gusen-Mauthausen

May 14th, 2020

The “Klingende Landkarte (Sounding Map)” of the Bayerische Volkshochschulverband (Bavarian Adult Education Association) was expanded in March 2020 as part of project “Hörpfade binational – Leben mit NS-Geschichte (Binational Listening Paths – Living with Nazi Past)” by nine podcasts in German language about the former St. Georgen-Gusen-Mauthausen concentration camp complex.

The specific part of this very specials sounding map can be found here. The individual podscasts can also be accessed via the Cultural Broadcasting Archive (CBA).

23 participants from the regions Dachau (Germany) and Mauthausen-Gusen-St. Georgen (Austria) created these podcasts under professional coaching by Judith Schönicke and Bernhard Jugel (Bayerischer Rundfunk – Bavarian Broadcasting) as well as Michael Diesenreither and Rosvita Kröll (Radio FRO) and produced them in the studios of Radio FRO (Linz/Austria) and of ORF-Oberösterreich (Austrian Broadcasting Upper Austria).

The podcasts on Dachau, which were created as part of the project already in 2019, can also be downloaded from that “sounding map”.
